Supporting sales in a country requires a number of regulatory and business structures. A complete analysis has not yet been made on implications of each country's regulations however we wish to support as many countries as economically viable to do so. At this moment our goals are to support USA, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Japan and China. We are also closely considering Australia/New Zealand as well as South Korea.
Yet to be determined but will require additional effort will be Thailand, Russia, Mexico and many South American Countries.
Hey, please consider supporting Norway, Norway is a part of Europe but not the "European Union". Valve ended up supporting the European Union, but not Norway, so the only option we had was to drive to Sweden (our neighbor country) and buy it there.
The tundra tracker seems like a great product so it would be really upsetting to see it get the same treatment as index got in Norway.
Any idea about South Africa?
Very supervised that Australia didn't make the list that would be increasingly disappointing.. would be a huge disappointment if Australians have to end up paying a lot more defeating the purpose of being a more affordable option for full body, thanks for all your work!